Weight training is fabulous and important for women as there are so many benefits to it; muscular strength and endurance, cardio fitness, bone health improvement, variety of movements and equipment and the confidence and buzz that it gives you! My classes out of CrossFit Stags and Does and AlphaFit in Milton aim to introduce, or reintroduce women to weight and strength training in a safe and inclusive environment.
We use kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells and all the rest of the equipment the gym has to offer, including boxes, rigs, bands, steps and benches. The classes are hugely varied and all exercises modified to your level of fitness, stage in life, injuries and enthusiasm. We are always aiming for a fun atmosphere and a great workout!
Classes are 45 minutes long and £10 per class as part of a block. We run alongside the school terms in blocks of 6 or 7 weeks at a time.
Locations and Times:
AlphaFit, Milton
Tuesdays, 7:45pm
Located on the road towards Milton Country
Park, behind the Dulux building.
CrossFit Stags and Does, Milton
Wednesdays, 1:15pm
Also located on the industrial estate, opposite
Milton Tesco.
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